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An attempt has been made by the author in this treatise to explain in simple language the basic syllabus of the examination. The subject matter is characterized by clear, methodical, and also step-by-step treatment. The presentation is comprehensive and easy to follow. This book is a guide for IBBI Registered Valuer Examination for Land & Building and for Plant & Machinery Valuers.

The subject of valuation has attained a high degree of importance at present and it is now accommodated in the syllabus of most of Universities and institutions. During the last ten years, the subject of valuation of real properties has gained extraordinary importance because of the taxation policies of the Government on such properties. The subject of valuation of real properties as such has been developed on a scientific footing in England and only trained and qualified persons could work as experts in this field in that country. In India, the subject is accommodated in a limited capacity in the overcrowded syllabus of most universities and institutions.

The profession of valuer of real estate has emerged with wide publicity in recent times and the beginners in the field find it difficult to adjust their practice in the profession because of the absence of thorough training in the subject. As a matter of fact, the subject of valuation of real properties is very wide and vast literature is available on some topics of the subject. The attempt to the author to explain the basic principles of the subject in the treatise can be compared to the addition of a drop of water to the huge mass of ocean water.

The subject of valuation of properties demands a high degree of common sense for doing justice to the subject and in addition, the knowledge of economics, law, and engineering becomes essential on the part of the valuer. It is quite evident that more and more properties shall have to be valued in the future for various purposes and it will be desirable to expand our knowledge on the subject by conducting seminars, arranging lectures by noted economists and lawyers, studying the latest judgments etc.

It is hoped that the book in present form would satisfy the need of the valuers preparing for Examinations conducted by any authority, Certificate Courses as well as for other similar competitive and professional examinations. It should also prove of interest to the practicing Valuers of securities or financial assets, tax consultants, lawyers, advocates, etc.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my good friends who have helped and encouraged me in writing this book. I am especially grateful to ER RAJWINDER SINGH, ER RAJESH KUMAR, for their guidance and valuable suggestions & their constant encouragement and inspiration in bringing out this book.

 I am also highly obliged to the core committee of the Council of Engineers & Valuers, who took a keen interest in all aspects of publishing this book. I am also obliged to the Sh Bhushan Kumar for such decent printing and finishing of this book.

The book contains theory subject notes collected from different sources. Materials are collected from different National and International valuation books & articles. The book is prepared in urgency to serve the Valuers for appearing in the examination. I also request the readers of the book to kindly give feedback and opinion with respect to mistakes or conflicts in the answers.

Suggestions to improve the utility of the book will be gratefully received and incorporated in the subsequent editions.

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